
Piercings are a form of body modification. They are done by creating an opening in the body, such as earlobes, so that jewelry can be worn. A needle or scalpel is used to create the opening. There are two main types of piercing: surface piercings and dermal piercings. Surface piercings go through flat areas of skin, such as ears or noses. Dermal piercings are done through tissue like the tongue and lips. These piercings are called single-point piercings because jewelry goes into one hole in the skin. There also are multiple-point piercings that go through more than one area of skin and have jewelry that connects them together. Piercing Basics The most common places for piercing include the ears, nose, eyebrows, tongue, lips, navel and nipples. Each place has its own special kind of care needs and guidelines for healing time and pain level.

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